Thursday, August 31, 2006

drinkin' pabst 'til a half past noon...

Unlike Joe, I sometimes have a difficult time willingly "representing" my home town of Denver, Colorado. Don't get me wrong, the mountains are nice, but somewhere in between the excess amounts of Nalgene's and Croc's, has caused me to slowly disown my state of eighteen years.

But every once in awhile, something will come along and join the mountain tops in holding a special place in my Colorado heart. Today, that something is the Denver-band Pee Pee. Now, although Pee Pee aren't as big of a Colorado fixation as the Rocky's, I can definiely picture their band/ensemble/collective traveling up into the foothills and playing all night long next to a campfire. Wait? You are sill stuck on the name huh? Well don't be deceieved. Pee Pee packs in mature lyrics and orchestral jams that easily dismiss their beer-in-hand vibe and childlike name.

Their songs range in style as they are able to casually accompany strings, horns, and accordians at will with their 9 members. "Over the Hill" is the standout track(imo) as it incorporates pop melodies fronted by laid back lo-fi folk singin'. Go ahead and donwload 'em all. Then head over to their Myspace for another. Enjoy.

-mp3- Pee Pee - Over That Hill
-mp3- Pee Pee - Dixie Cup Song
-mp3- Pee Pee - Impossible

Pee Pee's Myspace

I'll Believe In Anything

Since we have been so Wolf Parade obsessed lately I figured we might as well rep there new video, which came out yesterday and has already debuted on the likes of megablogs Pitchfork and Stereogum. I really don't have much to say about it. It was directed by Matt Moroz, it takes place in what I believe is the early 19th century England. Then again I know nothin' about history, nor do I know where they actually shot the video. BUT they do shoot each other a lot. Once again, a little more insight into the mind of a canuck.

p.s. Their olderish video for Modern World by Adam bizanski is freaking awesome too.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Language Arts

This is my first post on RMDS. So forgive me poor grammer and bad spellings.
Anywho. My favorite caucasian Canadian rapper apparently realized it was Joe's birthday because he has shared with us the best gift of all. The gift of free music (because nobody gets free music nowadays.) It's called Strong Arm. Which is a very appropriate title for this album/mixtape because it feels a little like someone putting you into a headlock and forcing you to take in some strange, dark music. And oddly enough, this album makes such an event not seem so bad. If you've ever listened to Buck 65 before you know he is intrigued by the odd, desperate, and sinister side of life. Strong Arm is no execption to these previous works. Ranging from blues to dub and everything in between it's a lot to take in at 35 minutes. But I dig it. Maybe you will too.

-mp3- Buck 65 -Part I
-mp3- Buck 65 -Part II

Buck has also recently made a new music video for Devil's Eyes. Just a little more insight into the mind of a canuck.

There's bugs in my shoes...

Ok. Lot's a stuff going on at RMDS (as I mentioned in the previous post).

After hassling for nearly an hour with all of his demands, we are proud to now have Mike S. on board with us. Mike is a fellow student at our University and a friend. His music taste is impeccable, and I think it will add a really nice dimension to our blog. Look forward to posts from him coming soon. Like real soon. I'm pretty sure he's writing one now.

I don't quite feel like making a "real" post right now as I have many ideas I need to sort out in my head, before I start firing on a all cylinders. I will say, however, we have some great new bands/tracks to spit at you in the following days. So keep tuning in.

But, being that I'm not in the mood for a well structured post, I'm not just going to leave you hanging. Instead, I will share with you some of the treats I found surfing the blogosphere today...

-mp3- Rogue Wave - Debaser(live)
I owe Largehearted Boy for directing me to this live set of Rogue Wave performing in Boston earlier in August. This is a Pixies cover, but it definitely sounds like it could fit right in with Descend Like Vultures. Zach is back to his usual antics: sweet, soft, catchy, and sincere melodies. Enjoy.

-mp3- Page France - Weatherman, Section Three
I finally received my copy of Page France's split EP's Pear and Sister Pinecone, and although I already had Pear, it was a wonderful treat. Anyways, I am always a bit biased concerning Page France and Michael Nau as I typically instantly fall in love with everything they produce. This song is no exception. It's more Pear than Hello, Dear Wind. It's poppy, it's sunny. It's Page France, what's new?!

-mp3- Ted Leo & The Pharmacists - Sons of Cain(live)
I owe this mp3 to Bradley's Almanac who has a bomb diggity Ted Leo post today full of mp3's, live reviews, and sweet links. Go here to check it all out. I don't have much to say about this song as it is just more solid, catchy rock from Mr. Leo.

-mp3- The Mountain Goats - Alpha Omega (live on KEXP)
Like I have mentioned before, I'm new to The Mountain Goats. By that I mean: I love Sunset Tree and the new Get Lonely but I am pretty ignorant to the likes of their old stuff. This song is from a KEXP session Josh Darnielle recently did in Seattle. After a little research, I discovered this song was originally released on a compilation abulm in 1995, Our Salvation is at Hand. The song is the last in a series of stories about a couple. This song documents his first breakfast alone after his wife leaves him. The song breathes a sigh of relief. He eats boiled peanuts.

Well enjoy those semi rare/live/new songs. Thanks to the people who originally found them. I'm such a thief. Happy Tuesday.

happy birfday to you...

So today is Joe's birthday(the one on the left, another peter, not me, is on the right ...hi petooor). And being one of the two primary members here at RMDS, I find it appropriate to show him some love on his bday as he ventures into life outside of the "teens."

So enjoy the picture. Enjoy the birthday songs, and leave Joe some love in the comments.

-mp3- Sufjan Stevens - Happy Birthday
-mp3- Andrew Bird - The Happy Birthday Song

also, asides from Joe's birthday we have some really exciting things going on at Renaissance Men. We are most likely going to have another memeber join us on board soon which is going to increase the musical goodness here ten fold. More news on that to come. We also have some neat posts lined up along with a grip load of cocnerts in the near future. Siq. We look forward to your continued readership...

....happpppy birfday to youuuu.

*update* joe's friend rachel took this photo. its very artistic. thank you dear.
*update* apparently i very rudely mispelled the aeformentioned photographer's name. i'm very sorry rachael. i even hyperlinked ur name this time. that should make things right. k? thanks!

Monday, August 28, 2006

To sail, to pillage...

The weekend is over and we are already back to school here at RMDS. The weekend was good. We went to the beach yesterday. There was splashing. And Joe's fair Washington skin got burnt. Good times.

I bet Jacob Borshard likes playing his ukelele on the beach. In fact, the ocean would be an excellent companion to his breezy lyrics - simple stories that strike a chord for kids with geos wanting to become pirates. Borshard's songs at the core, however, evoke thoughts of high school and being a teenager. I particularly can relate to his thoughts about girls and speeding tickets. And if Joe was writing this post, he would most assuradely point out that he hails from Washington. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but it just goes to show that Joe's shameless WA shout-outs everyday are now starting to permeate into my writing. Ahhh. Anyways...regardless of who you are or where you are from, you should be able to enjoy these down to earth folk songs with pop melodies.

Oh, and the best thing about Jacob Borshard is that he has both of his albums available for download at his website. For free! Check out his artwork too. What a renaissance man.

But in case you are too lazy to jog on over to his site, I provided four of my favorite songs below. You should download them all. Enjoy.

-mp3- Jacob Borshard - Brains Brains (for you pirate people)
-mp3- Jacob Borshard - Grass Stains (for you lover people)
-mp3- Jacob Borshard - Vincent and Theo (for you wandering people)
-mp3- Jacob Borshard - Full of Aces (for you poker people)

Jacob Borshard's Website
Jacob on Myspace
Jacob's Sculptures
Other write-up's about Jacob Borshard's music here, here, and here. pass the rum and draw your swords.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Wolf Parade/Frog Eyes - Live at the Wiltern

Let me just start off by saying that Wolf Parade absolutely killed it last night at The Wiltern. The night could not have gone better as we were able to get right up front, sneak in my camera(shh), and listen to three kick-ass bands. Enjoy our first ever concert review at RMDS...

The night got off to a great start with opener
Whalebones. They had a supremely confident stage presence and a blues/jam band type sound equally reminiscent of both Black Mountain and Black Keys. Now, that may sound like Urban Outfitters' answer to The Grateful Dead, but let me tell you, Whalebones was legit. The songs had claws, the guitars dropped bombs on my head, expect a post hyping them up to arrive very soon.

Frog Eyes
Frog Eyes' set really brought out the worst in one of the most obnoxious crowds I've ever been a part of. They had some kickin' jams and a unique stage presence that steadily improved throughout the set. However, their music is not very accessible (say it ain't so), and even though we here at RMDS were very into their style, the set did drag a bit. Nevertheless, they kept it real, and Casey Mercer's Black Francis-esque showmanship accompanied with tweaked out solos and high energy deserved a much more respectful audience.

Wolf Parade
I'm not going to lie, I was somewhat apprehensive about Wolf Parade's live show. Of course, I love their recorded work, but it seemed like every live review I ever read of WP played them off as nothing special. Reviewers praised Sunset Rubdown and their live set, but seemed hesitant to give as much credit to Wolf Parade's show. Fearing Krug had over extended himself with all his other projects, I went into the concert hoping simply for a solid performance.

In retrospect, I shouldn't have been so timid about having high expectations. Wolf Parade came out firing. They blazed through the first half of their set with a barrage of seemingly effortless jams. One thing we really noticed about Wolf Parade's live performance was how many different influences and stylings they pull together to make their unique sound. Seeing Spencer Krug and Dan Boeckner alternating on lead vocals lead to a new appreciation for their recorded work. It is very easy to listen to Apologies to the Queen Mary and forget about the intricacies that went into the songwriting because it is so well produced. Wolf Parade pulls all of this musical meshing off with ease, all while managing to pack in a grip load of fun-filled energy.

The latter half of the set was to be particularly noted as it was practically perfect. "I'll Believe in Anything" procceeded directly by "This Heart's on Fire" was enough to leave us both in awe.

Other than that, we don't have much to say other than that you should definitly see Wolf Parade live if you are given the chance. Below, we have the setlist, accompanied with mp3's of our favorite songs of the night. Enjoy.


Things I Don't Know
(New Song) (mp3)
Shine A Light
Grounds For Divorce
It's a Curse
Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts
We Built Another World
You Are A Runner And My Father's Son/Fancy Claps
Modern World
(New Song)
(New Song)
I'll Believe in Anything (mp3)
This Heart's On Fire (mp3)

The National People's Scare
Dinner Bells

Friday, August 25, 2006

Nobody knows you...

So Joe and I (along with another cool cat: Mike) are headed up to L.A. tonight to see Wolf Parade and Frog Eyes. My excitement is overflowing. Spencer Krug might be the busiest man in indie music these days with Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown, and now Swans Lake all occupying some of his musical efforts. Hopefully he's ready to howl all night long at The Wiltern.

Also, this will also be the first of many live reviews here on RMDS. So hopefully, my outdated camera can snap a few blog-worthy photos. Regardless, we'll have a review up in the following days.
That's about it. Here's a couple mp3's from the respective Canadian outfits. You probably already have them and have listend to them on repeat like me. But here they are anyways...

Wolf Parade - I'll Believe In Anything
Frog Eyes - The Akhian Press

...and nobody gives a damn.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Someday when I'm older...

Basically I'm making this post because The Boy Least Likely To recently posted this picture on their myspace and I really like it. Yes, I'm very articulate.

Well, I guess to make this post more than just a picture, I'll offer you a a couple TBLLT songs that you might not have heard if you only own
The Best Party Ever. Um, I dont feel like writing about these songs much, but I will say "Rock Upon A Porch With You" sure gets me excited to get in touch with my geriatric side.

The Boy Least Likely To - Rock Upon A Porch With You (Do It !!!)
The Boy Least Likely To - Every Grubby Little Memory

The Boy Least Likely To's Website

Brand Spankin' New Format Video

This is going to be a quick post because I am in between classes. But I just wanted to tell you all(by that, I mean our 3 or 4 occassional readers) that The Format just debuted their video for "The Compromise" on their myspace page this morning. The video has loads of paper mache bobbleheads and creatures, along with giant robots in the desert. Oh ya, its a real good song too.

The Format - The Compromise

Vote for the video on
The Format's Website
The Format on Myspace

(Check out the Tour Dates!
Joe and I will be at the Sept. 1 show in San Diego)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ratatat - "Classics"

In case you guys didn't already know, yesterday was an incredibly good day for music releases. I know I already posted on the new Mountain Goats' album, but I also wanted to share with you another one of yesterday's dope release (head over to the Yellow Stereo sometime for an even better roundup of August 22's releases).

In case you aren't familiar with Ratatat, they are a two piece group who jumble hip hop, electronica, and rock into jam-worthy instrumental beats. Coming off their self-titled debut album, Ratatat expands their sound on Classics. And rightfully so, given the name. Blips, bleeps, blops, and twangy guitar riffs make up most of the songs, but cellos and sleigh bells can be found in the mix as well. Not interested? Sounds too bland? Just give "Wildcat" a listen and hear that feline breathe down your throat at the 0:19 mark. Cruise down a midwest highway with "Montanita" at 80 miles an hour. And with "Lex" you might as well have just beat a hidden level in Mario. Bust it...

-mp3- Ratatat - Wildcat
-mp3- Ratatat - Montanita
-mp3- Ratatat - Lex

Buy Classics at Insound
Ratatat's Website
Ratatat's Myspace (Check Out Their Tour!)

also, I just got a notice about a couple of new Beck shows in the Southern California area. So if you have more money than me, go see 'um live and tell me about it. Oh, he's opening for Tom Petty at the show in Chula Vista. Siq. If only I had 86 dollars to spare.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Mountain Goats - "Get Lonely"

Josh Darnielle's memoir The Sunset Tree wows me every time I listen to it. Actually, I think anyone who has given the album a few listens, is probably sucked in like me. It's ability to make you dance, cry, and sympathize with Darnielle's troubling relationship with his stepfather was something only accomplished through honest and emotional lyrics that Darnielle delivers with the utmost sincerity.

The Mountain Goats newest endeavor, Get Lonely, is released today on 4AD records. Throughout the album Darnielle fights to forget about the aeformentioned troubling relationship and move on. The scars are still there, but songs such as "Woke up New" resonate with new hope. "Get Lonely" finds Darnielle taking trips downtown and painting pictures by himself. Where does he go from here? And "In the Hidden Places" zips around Darnielle's mind, seeking out solitude from his haunting past. The Mountain Goats' Get Lonely is another lyrical masterpiece by Darnielle and a wonderful follow up to The Sunset Tree.

-mp3- The Mountain Goats - Woke Up New (Mega Recommended!!!)
-mp3- The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely
-mp3- The Mountain Goats - In the Hidden Places

Buy Get Lonely at Insound
The Mountain Goats Website
Check out the video for "Get Lonely" on YouTube!

Monday, August 21, 2006

I Heart SD, Kite Flying Society, and The Donkeys

Mmm. Southern California. The sun shines, the girls wear skirts, and even more importantly - the music resounding from the region these days is just as good as the the weather. At least this is the case for the new indie bands emerging out of San Diego.

As I spent hours upon hours sifting through blogs and bands during my summer in Colorado, I was delighted to find out that two of my favorite finds of the summer hailed from San Diego (Joe and I's new home for the school year). So, um, here they are...

Kite Flying Society

After I heard these guys named their band after a scene in Wes Anderson's
Rushmore, I was pretty much sold. Since hearing their debut album Where Is The Glow? it's safe to say the music is so good it wouldn't matter if they had named themselves after this movie. Anyways, Kite Flying Society says on their myspace that their influences include The Shins and Rogue Wave, amongst others. Works for me. Although Beach Boys seem like a strikingly obvious, and complimentary, influence as well.

Where Is The Glow?
is the epitome of a summer time record. The incredibly poppy "Love and Seagulls" might as well be played on every oceanside boardwalk during the day. "Thick as Thieves" on repeat in your bobbing sailboat and "Groundflower" softly whispering through a field at sunset would be appropriate as well. Ugh. Just listen.

Kite Flying Society - Love and Seagulls (Highly Recommended!)
Kite Flying Society - Thick as Thieves
Kite Flying Society - Grounflower

Check out their SD tour stops and merchandise here...

KFS on Myspace

KFS's Website


The Donkeys

The Donkey's are just a few guys living in a basement. They sleep amongst their instruments and occassionally drink water. Some nights people will even come to that basement to hear them play their wonderful mix of indie folk and blues.

I'm kidding, but their pictures sure had me fooled. The Donkey's are simple and fun. Their lyrics are honest and realistic. "Come on Virginia" may be the summer's anthem - perfect San Diego folk if there is such a thing. "Lower the Heavans" is the most accessible instrumental I've heard in along time. Just make it to the 1:07 mark for me. And finally "Walk Through A Cloud" hums along like an amped up hymn. Go for it...

-mp3- The Donkeys - Come on Virginia (Download it! Come on San Diego, Do It!)
-mp3- The Donkeys - Lower the Heavans
-mp3- The Donkeys - Walk Through A Cloud

Check out their recent Daytrotter session (once they get the site fixed!)
The Donkeys on Myspace

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Come Back August 20th

Welcome to Renaissance Men Don't Surf. We are a mp3/movie blog that will be starting on August 20th.

Why not now, you say? Well, because the two contributers: myself(Peter) and Joe are far away from eachother currently. However, on the date of August 20th we will be reunited at the location in the picture.

See, we are going to be sophomores at Point Loma Nazarene University and spent the whole summer in our respective states of Colorado and Washington. But once we regroup in San Diego it will be all fun and games in the blog world. That is if I can get Joe to stop surfing to make some posts. We'll see.

Anyways, sorry for all that ramble. This will be the only post until the 20th, and from then on we will hopefully have continuous posting!

But for now I'll leave you with a little preview of what is to come:

Michael Leviton is just a man with a ukulele, who according to his myspace, sounds like "loneliness, misery, and longing." For me this is a spot-on description as he sings this song.

When I was little I would have never thought I would
ever hate summer. But combine 40hr work weeks with a boring town and summer becomes the worst. Go ahead all you summer debbie-downers, sing along with Michael Leviton and I:

-mp3- Michael Leviton - Summer's The Worst