Sunday, December 31, 2006

RMDS: Peter's Top Albums of 2006

Well, this has been a whirlwind of a year for me, as far as "indie music" is concerned. Most of you loyal(right?) readers out there would have laughed at my iTunes at the begginning of 2006, as my indie cred was little to none. But thanks to a few friends (cough Jeff and Joe)I was able to get hooked up with all the good stuff I'd missed throughout the years. I spent most of the early months of the year enjoying the best stuff of 05, and by the time summer hit I was sucked into everything and anything '06. Blogs, leaks, and "lists" soon became the fixation of my thoughts. 2006 led me through many phases; my Joe-induced folk phase started it all, but soon transitioned into a summer phase filled with overflowing amounts of happy indie pop, and finally finished with a phase that included an all out love affair with dance beatz. I still love it all though, especially the "pop" as my list will indicate, but I'd say my tastes as a whole have become more ecclectic (I'm so trill), despite my innabilty to get through even one track on Scott Walker's The Drift - I'll keep trying though Jeff! So with that all said, here's my Top Albums of 2006, accompanied with my favorite song (sorry no mo3 as my bandwith has been exceeded - ugh, I said I'm sorry, geez), my favorite lyric from said song, and a mostly short write-up. Welp, Enjoy, and we will see ya on the other side.


15. Annuals - Be He Me

Dry Clothes:

“Well Missy, sure you can look through my drawers. I've got nothing to hide. So, crying soul don't you tally the toll because where's the love in counting?”

For the longest time I insisted that this album was good, but front loaded, and therefore not worthy to make my top albums cut. But my boy Casey kept on bugging me to give it more of a chance; and sure enough, I did, and he was right. And although Casey still maintains “Complete or Completing” is the album’s standout, I can’t shake myself from LOVING the 2:00 minute mark on Dry Clothes, when the lid flies off, and the Annuals pour out every drop of energy left in their skinny little adolescent bodies, shouting the above lyric…ya, it’s infectious, you know it.

14. The Pipettes - We Are The Pipettes

Pull Shapes:

“Dance with me, pretty boy tonight / Dance with me, and we'll be alright / There's a whole floor before us, just for you and me / So follow my lead, and we'll 1-2-3 / Pull Shapes…”

I don’t think I could ever meet the Pipettes. I’d absolutely melt. Hands down the cutest album released this year. This album is sassy, fun, and dance worthy – in a 50’s sock hop kind of way. Come to the U.S. ladies– like, now.!

13. Destroyer - Destroyer's Rubies


“All good things must come to an end, the bad ones just go on forever…”

Who knows where this album would be on my list if I had gotten a hold of it earlier than October! Although Bejar’s crashing guitar riffs can sometimes wear on me, I force myself to sit through it solely for those beautiful moments of soaring bliss, which appear in almost every song. “Rubies” is the perfect example of this (and one of my favorite songs of the year); specifically at the 4:07 mark: pure bliss…ahhh, sooooo good.

12. Ratatat - Classics


“Raaaaar” (From “Wildcat”)…that’s a joke. Har Har.

Who would have thought such a presumptuously titled album would almost live up to its name. The beats are funky fresh and the guitars are twangy, shimmering goodness. This album is like the printers these days that allow you to print, photocopy, scan, and fax: I could always wake up to it, dance to it, or do homework to it. Oh, these guys blast the hell out of the speakers live too. Neeeeaaat!

11. Ben Kweller - Ben Kweller


“Everybody's trying to be the best / What about the girl with loneliness / I like your sundress…”

Cheesy lyrics; perfect pop songs. Go ahead and make fun of me for liking Ben Kweller, I don’t care!

10. Kite Flying SocietyWhere Is the Glow?

Love & Seagulls:

“All of the trees make music for me, as green as the grass leading out to the sea / And in that time, so quiet divine, the foamiest friend is mine.…”

This album is simply delicious; just look at that lyric above. Mmmm. Drawing straight from the playbooks of the Beach Boys, Rogue Wave, and The Shins, local San Diegans’ Kite Flying Society released a debut record overflowing with sun kissed lyrics and breezy So Cal melodies. Where Is The Glow? was neck in neck with The Life Pursuit (see below) all summer long, vying for my “soundtrack of the summer” vote, and although they nearly missed, they still get mad props. Seeing these guys live outside on a sunny day in San Diego with a snow cone in hand was all I needed to solidify them in my top ten! I can’t wait for the next album guys!

9. The BlowPaper Television


“…And when you’re holding me we, make a pair of parentheses / There’s plenty of space to encase whatever weird way my mind goes / I know I’ll be safe in these arms / You’re not a baby if you feel the world /All of the babies can feel the world / That’s why they cry.”

Aside from releasing my favorite track of the entire year (see above mp3 and lyric), The Blow’s Paper Television delivers an all around assault to the musical senses, in the best way possible of course - filled with blips, bleeps, and the most charming, albeit sassy, pop melodies you’ve ever heard. I melt every time I listen to this album. Go ahead and take a listen, I guarantee you’ll want to dance, cry, and smile all at the same time.

8. PhoenixIt’s Never Been Like That


“Standing in line, I think you're pretty / Lying on your bed, I think you're pretty too.”

Probably the only pure “indie rock” album you’ll find on my list, and even then, it’s more “soft rock” than anything. Similarly to my #2’s, these Frenchman don’t miss on any of the ten tracks. In an indie music world where originality seems to be the only thing that matters, Phoenix reminds us that sometimes simple and solid is just as good. It’s Never Been Like That is an instantly likeable album, overflowing with lyrics and guitar riffs that are bound to stick in your head.

7. Joanna NewsomYs


“And all those lonely nights down by the river / Brought me bread and water, water in…”

…Similar to my number one album of the year, this only album has the ability to reach down, pick me up, and place me in a new world. When I close my eyes and listen to Ys I see dense wooded forests, and creatures I never knew were even fathomable. This album is something special and if I wasn’t so ADD, this would have been higher on my list – at least I can appreciate it!

6. The Decemberists – The Crane Wife

The Crane Wife 3:

“And I will hang my head, hang my head low…”

…The Decemberist’s best album to date also proves to be one of the best of 2006. Colin Meloy orchestrates a perfect blend of “pop” and “epic” that never left my musical pallet thirsty. The bookend tracks alone, “The Crane Wife 3” and “Sons and Daughters” provide an awe-inspiring beginning and end for the wonderful songs found in the middle. This album is a diverse, winding, epic tale brought to life via Meloy ‘n company. Well done, guys and gals, well done.

5. Josh Ritter – The Animal Years

Girl In The War:

“Because the keys to the Kingdom got lost inside the Kingdom / And the angels fly around in there but we can¹t see them / I got a girl in the war Paul…”

…The saddest, most sincere album of all 2006. Josh Ritter is an artist who flew under a lot of radars, but his deep, emotional lyrics which breathe sincerity deserve attention. This album moves along like a somber narration of a story set in the Midwest, evoking a wide range of emotions, namely bitterness. With wonderful production to accompany these lyrical flurries, the often simple musical arrangements still managed to hook me on nearly every song. While it’s evident Ritter doesn’t have all the answers figured out regarding life and God, it is evident that he knows how to make an excellent, genre-defying album.

4. Belle & Sebastian – The Life Pursuit

The Blues Are Still Blue:

“I've been creeping round this town because / Well, creeping's just my way (oh oh)…”

I’m not sure if I’m ready to jump on board with all the peeps saying this is Belle & Sebastian’s best album to date, because I personally believe If Your Feeling Sinister is one of the greatest albums ever made. BUT, that does not mean that this isn’t a damn fine record too, because it IS. Looking at the transformation of B&S from their early days to 2006’s The Life Pursuit demonstrates what an amazing band they really are. To pull off such a change from their spacey, soft twee pop days, to a cohesive indie pop album is an incredible feat. I could go on all day talking about how much these Swedes impress me (and often consume my listening habits), but I’m just going to tell you that The Life Pursuit was THE soundtrack of the summer, and also, one of the very best albums of 2006 – no matter what way you look at it.

3. I’m from Barcelona
We’re from Barcelona

Ola Kala:

“Have you ever felt that nothing's ever going your way? / Every good thing that you find is always running away”

I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty disappointed about how little end of the year respect I’m From Barcelona is getting. And don’t think this album is up on my list to spite the haters (read Pitchfork) either, because We’re From Barcelona has been nestled high atop my favorite albums list for quite some time. I think what’s happened is people try to write these guys off as just another impractical and goofy twee pop outfit; and yes that’s what it looks like on the outside, and sure 26 members isn’t all that practical, but these guys take on a certain level of consciousness in their songs that is not seen in your average indie pop group. While, groups like The Boy Least Likely To (whom I love equally to IFB), blissfully recount childhood scenes as if they are still living in them, I’m From Barcelona takes a reflective and nostalgic approach, often lamenting about childhood misfortunes (“Chicken Pox”) and realizing that they have to eventually grow up (“Rec and Play”). You are probably laughing in your chair at me right now, to even take indie pop this seriously, but that’s the only way to do it – because they take themselves seriously. Anyways, because of this said consciousness within the lyrics, We’re From Barcelona floats far above most pop albums; just listen to that chorus crash down in “Ola Kala” – don’t be afraid, because everything is going to turn to be okay. I’m From Barcelona sees it from all angles, and that’s what makes this album special: they can have fun and sing about tree houses, but deep down they realize they must grow up sometime, and it pains them – which despite what yawl may say, its pretty evident in every single melody and chord on this album.

2. Math and Physics ClubMath and Physics Club

Darling Won’t You Please Come Home:

“I love it when the coals burn way down low / You slide up next to me, so sweet, so slow”

Of all the albums I listened to this year, this is the only one that happened to nail me at just the perfect time. See it was October, and I was living in San Diego, and the closest thing to fall you can get in SoCal is a cool ocean breeze. Being from Colorado, I was desperately craving the changing colors of leaves, and the smell of warm apple cider. Luckily for me, Math and Physics Club’s self titled debut magically placed me in this fall wonderland that I had been longing for. Whether it was “Darling Won’t You Please Come Home” putting warm butterflies in my stomach or “La La La Lisa” epitomizing every single crush I ever had, this album complimented by mood to perfection nearly every listen. To boot, this is one of the few albums that I constantly listen to as whole – my Itunes shows upper twenties play counts on every song! Well anyways, don’t let my personal connection to this album fool you: MAPC’s s/t does not disappoint on any of its ten tracks as it essentially perfects soft, twee pop. This is a seasonal spreading, love and loss focused, mind blowing debut – BUY IT!

1. The KnifeSilent Shout

Silent Shout:

“Yes in a dream all my teeth fell out / A cracked smile and a silent shout”

By now, this is of course the trendy pick for album of the year, but I could care less. I think this album is special because it came full circle on me. The first time I listened to it on a rainy afternoon this summer in my car I was weird-ed the hell out by the album’s opener and title track “Silent Shout”, even though at the same time I was very intrigued. As I probed deeper into the album in the fall I found myself dancing to “We Share Our Mother’s Health” nonstop, and soon thereafter became enchanted with the mysteriousness of “Marble House.” Every piece of this album seem to fall perfectly into place for me, until I literally couldn’t get enough. No matter how many times I spin this album, I still always get taken to another world…and that’s about as articulate as I’m going to be able to get on something I love as much as Silent Shout – my album of the year.


Honorable Mentions:
(which on any given day could have made it into the Top 15)

Russian Futurists –
Me, Myself, and Rye, M. Ward – Post War, Suburban Kids with Biblical Names - #3, Danielson – Ships, Damien Jurado - Now That I'm In Your Shadow, Regina Spektor – Begin To Hope, Lucero - Rebels, Rogues & Sworn Brothers, Rocky Votolato - Makers


Well, that's it for 2006 folks. It's been a great year. I've learned alot, and despite the half-assed nature of this blog, it really has been a good endeavor. Unfortunately I don't know if it will survive, being that I am going to be leaving for Spain for 5 months (from Jan 5th to June 7th), and to tell you the truth, blogging is going to be the least of my concerns! Well, maybe if you bug Joe enough, he might become the posting machine that I know he is deep down inside and RMDS will soon rival the likes of Pitchfork(quasi blog) and Sterogum. Scratch my hesitation, I'm sure of it. But regardless, it's been a fun time, and maybe I'll pick it back up this summer, who knows? Well, once again, have a Happy New Year, and don't forget to leave some comments. We lub 'um. Goodnight all.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

RMDS: Joe's Top Albums of 2006.

...with special guest Peter Miller providing filler noises such as "bonch" and "ween dog."

Well here we are again; there's only a few more days left in 06, and that means it's about time to finish up our year end list 'extravaganza' here at RMDS. While my list will be coming tomorrow, today we have Joe's picks for Best Albums of 2006. Following suit with all the other lists on the site so far, Joe's picks are great - whether it be in paying respect to his folk roots, giving a nod to some of the pop albums I always played on repeat, or professing his love for the epic hip hop releases of the year, Joe's list proves to be a nice recap of a year of great music. So scan his list, pick up a few mp3's at the bottom, and leave him some nice comments. Enjoy:

15. The Decemberists - The Crane Wife

14. Spank Rock - Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo

13. Matt & Kim - S/T

12. mewithoutYou - Brother, Sister

11. The Blow - Paper Television

10. T.I. - King

9. Islands - Return To The Sea

8. The Game - The Doctor's Advocate

7. Girl Talk - Night Ripper

6. Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche

5. Rocky Votaloto - Makers

4. Sunset Rubdown - Shut Up, I Am Dreaming

3. Josh Ritter - Animal Years

2. I'm From Barcelona - Let Me Introduce You To My Friends

1. Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope

Honorable Mentions:

Bonnie Prince Billy - The Letting Go
Ghostface Killah - Fishscale
Lily Allen - Alright, Still
Ratatat - Classics
The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely
Kite Flying Society - Where Is The Glow?
Band of Horses - Everything All The Time

Looking Forward to In 06:

1. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
2. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
3. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
4. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
5. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

Various MP3's For Your Downloading Pleasure:

mp3- The Decemeberists - The Crane Wife III
-mp3- Matt & Kim - Lightspeed
The Blow - Parantheses
Girl Talk - Hold Up
Josh Ritter - Girl In The War
Regina Spektor - Fidelity
-mp3- The Mountain Goats - Woke Up New
Band of Horses - Funeral

Saturday, December 23, 2006

RMDS: Skubic's Top Albums of 2006.

Today, RMDS begins the first installment of our 3-part year end list extravaganza. Our first list comes from part time RMDS contributer, Skubic - and to say the least, I really like his list. Alot. It's bottom loaded with alot of solid alt-country rock that you may have missed this year, so please click on the band's name, and follow the link to check out some tasty, whisky drenched tunes. Alright enjoy, and look forward to Joe's picks in the coming days:

10. Girl Talk - Night Ripper (mp3- Hold Up)

9. Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That

8. I'm From Barcelona - Let Me Introduce My Friends

7. Destroyer - Destroyer's Rubies (mp3 - Rubies)

6. The Hold Steady - Boys and Girls in America

5. Lucero - Rebels, Rogues & Sworn Brothers (mp3 - Weight of Guilt)

4. The Head Set - Way Past Used (mp3 - Enemies)

3. Calexico - Garden Ruin

2. The Decemberists - Crane Wife (mp3- The Crane Wife III)

1. The Broken Family Band - Balls (mp3 - I'm Thirsty)

I highly recommend you check out The Broken Family Band (The best country band out of Cambridge!)...The Decemberists have managed to stay high on my list despite Stephen Colbert's attacks on their Literary Indie-Prog Rock-ness...Calexico just feels right for some reason, I think it has something to do with the fact that I eat Mexican at least 6 days a week...The Head Set are a great new band I have already talked up enough...& Lucero are always a good choice, and I already raved about them too.

So there you have it. Balls.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

RMDS: Top Shows of 2006

Well, as promised, here are RMDS' top 9 (yes, we like weird numbers to accompany our lists) live shows of 2006. We were fortunate enough to attend a grip load of shows this year, and thoroughly enjoyed nearly all of them, despite the ridiculous amounts of money we spent to attend them. Welp, here they are, with all my splendid photography to accompany them. Enjoy, and as always, we love your comments - even if they say "Go eat a dick." K. Here:

9. Lady Sovereign / June 14 / The Fox - Boulder, Co

Sure, the S.O.V. gimmick has run its course by now, but this doesn't change the fact that she is a natural performer. Maybe it was the alcohol, but her between song banter alone, deserves her this spot on our top shows list. Oh, and "Random" was a treat as well. Don't hate.

8. TV On The Radio / September 25 / Soma - San Diego, Ca

-Original Review-

Return To Cookie Mountain never really captivated Joe and I like it did the rest of the blogging world, these guys know how to jam live. Distorted and loud noise aside, TVOR managed to deliver on every song; especially in their back to back performance of "Province" and "Wolf Like Me." Mmmmm.

7. AIH and The Blow / September 16 / The Epicentre - San Diego, Ca

-Original Review-

Khaela from the Blow was as sassy and cute on person as she is on
Paper Television, and despite not playing our fav "Parantheses," she still swooned and awed almost everyone there...Architecutre In Helsinki unleashed a set chock full of new songs on the unsuspecting audiance, and despite initial hesitations, it turned out to be the dancy goodness I had hoped for from the Aussies, just in a new and fresh kind of way. Yummmmmy...can't wait for their new album.

6. Iron & Wine @ Sasquatch / May 27 / The Gorge - Eastern Wa

Sam Beam owned the stage that day. With looming thunderclouds hovering above, he whisped through most of the Iron & Wine catalog. The Gorge proved to be just the perfect setting for tunes such as "Trapeze Swinger," and Joe and I both agree that Beam delivered an unforgettful performance.

5. Cold War Kids / June 22 / Larimer Lounge - Denver, Co

Ya, the inevitable 'Kids backlash is upon us. Even I turn up my nose when friends tell me how much they like Cold War Kids, but forgetting about this live set would be a crime. Although they had to open, CWK blew everyone else off the stage that night (Tapes and Figurines), as they doused every song with soul and energy.

4. Beck @ Sasquatch / May 28 / The Gorge - Eastern Wa

Maybe I'm biased because I was front row for this set, with thousands behind me, but this was a damn fine show. Beck demonstrated why he is an indie rock king, as he unleashed hits from his back catalog and at the time, the forthcoming Information. Oh, and do I really have to say anything besides "Puppets"? Nope.

3. The Faint, Ladytron, & Ratatat / December 7 / Palladium - Hollywood, Ca

The only "dance" or "electronic", if you will, show I've ever been too. And in a year, which saw my affinity for dance music ever-increasing, this was the climax. All three bands steamrolled through the hits ("Glass Danse", "Seventeen", and "Wildcat" - respectively), and when all was said and done, I was dripping in sweat due to the all out dance party that ensued throughout the night. Head and shoulders, the funnest show I've ever attended (It helps when you have 15 of your best friends there, btw!). Oh, the DJ's killed it in between sets too.

2. Wolf Parade / August 25 / The Wiltern - Los Angeles, Ca

-Original Review-

The whole RMDS crew saw this one, and we all agreed: these Canadaian indie rockers absolutely destroy it live. Krug 'n company's electrifying stage presence was an incredible expansion to Apologies. I'd be hard pressed to find a band that rocks harder than these guys live.

1. Sufjan Stevens / October 9 / The Wiltern - Los Angeles, Ca

-Original Review-

Predictable? Cliche? Yes. And like with all the other hype and backlash that Sufjan amasses, he still always delivers. With a full horn and strings section, Suf gave new context to all the songs - mostly off of Illinois and Seven Swans. The highlight was of course "Majesty Snowbird," which we here at RMDS can't wait to here once it's done in the studio. The performance once again solidified what a dynamic singer-songwriter, and now performer, that Sufjan Stevens is. In a year full of good shows, this one stood on top for us at RMDS!

Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed our choices and the pictures. Please leave comments if you'd like. Look forward to Mike, Joe, and I's year end lists in the next few days.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Arcade Fire - "Intervention"

Grr. I was set on putting up my top live shows of 2006 up on the blog today, but my heart really wasn't in it, considering all I've done lately is play Arcade Fire on repeat. I'm not going to post the new song "Intervention" because it's everywhere already, but the hype machine (this link will direct you nicely) should help you unearth both the BBC Radio radio rip, as well as the old KCRW in-studio version. Both are fantastic, in their own respects, I might add.

Anyways, I just wanted to share with you the video of that said KCRW performance way back from 2004. It is a treat and I hadn't seen it posted anywhere so I thought you might like:

Oh, and if that doesn't get you excited about the forthcoming album, then these two tidbits should:

"According to sources, including MOJO magazine, the new album makes use of Pipe Organ, Military Choir, Hurdy Gurdy, a full Hungarian Orchestra amongst others. Win Butler described the album as sounding "like standing by the ocean at night."
-Wikipedia on Neon Bible

"Apparently the small group of people who have heard the album (in highly-secured listening sessions with band officials standing by, mind you) have said it’s fucking amazing (read: better than Funeral)..."

-Derek over at Good Weather For Airstrikes

Well that's about it for today. I'm going to get back to bonerizing over how good "Intervention" is and hopefully I will get my top shows up tomorrow. Sweet. Now go grab yourself some egg nog and enoy that nasty organ in all its epic glory.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

RMDS: Top Songs of 2006

Finals are over and Christmas is rapidly approaching - and we couldn't be happier here at RMDS. To celebrate, Joe (remember him?) and I have collaborated to create our Top 11 songs of 2006 - that we both were able to agree on. (Oh, before I forget, folloiwng our combined list will be some of the songs Joe and I specificially held close to our respective hearts). Anyways, enough with the filler: these our the songs that we conversed about endlessly on the phone over the summer, played on repeat in the dorm, and became devastated over when they weren't played live (see #5 and #2). These are our favorite songs of 2006 in all their epic, dancy, and retrospective goodness. Enjoy:

11. The Crane Wife 3-
The Decemberists (mp3)

Critics can predict the decline of The Decemberists till the cows come home (I'm not convinced that said cows aren't mentioned somewhere on The Crane Wife), but as long as Collin Meloy delivers the goods melodically, I have a hard time getting concerned for Portland's finest. Insert joke about hanging my head here.
10. Trill - Clipse (mp3)
If any element of this song had been slightly mishandled, it could've been horrible. The beat is just dirty enough, the hook perfectly lazy, and Pusha T and Malice rap with just enough of a detached sense of "do you really think we're trying our hardest?" to convince listeners that they really are T to the RILL.
9. Snow (Hey Oh) - Red Hot Chili Peppers (mp3)
This song makes me sad. Real sad. Buy you don't have to be. That's just me. But I think everyone can enjoy that melting guitar riff, and the sooting "Hey Ohhh's" no matter what mood they are in. Right?
8. Sad Sad City - Ghostland Observatory (mp3)
Think 80's, synths, and the funkiest beatz you've ever it? Now you kind of have an idea of how good this song is. "Well I, need want me, to hold me, to tell me the truth..." Try getting that out of your head. I sure can't.
7. Hold Up - Girl Talk (mp3)
I would only be repeating what better writers had already attempted when I to reflect upon the manic collage art of Girl Talk. This is the ultimate party song from the ultimate party album. It made me shake that laffy taffy and come to a fresh appreciation of both Nas and Rivers Cuomo. Also, this song contributed greatly to me making a fool out of myself to music. Long live pop music.
6. Woke Up New - The Mountain Goats (mp3)
If it's not obvious by the title, this is THE song to wake up too. Often Woke Up New was the only thing that could somewhat reconcile having to trudge through another 40 hour work week this summer. For this, I thank you Josh Darnielle; you know how to write a damn, fine song.
5. Lightspeed - Matt & Kim (mp3)
Lightspeed came out of nowhere to blow away RMDS and all our friends, and then they didn't even play it live. Ugh. (Insert sad smiley face here). Regardless, this song captures all of my little league sports angst and the increasing reality of growing up, and rolls it up into one ball of melodic retrospect. I lub you Matt & Kim.
4. Girl In The War - Josh Ritter (mp3)
I will admit it, I am suspicious of music in any way associated with Nashville. I often buy Paste Magazine, read the track listing of their sampler, get super intrigued, and then listen to it and quickly become super bored. Josh Ritter throws all of my west coast prejudice back in my face. He may be a little bit Nashville, but I hear some Dylan here, maybe even some Cohen. This song is an example of songwriting worth paying attention to, and of production that dresses up said songwriting without crushing it completely. I have a feeling that Josh Ritter might be showing up on end of the year lists a few more times before his career is over.
3. Fidelity - Regina Spektor (mp3)
The most hopeful, pristine pop vocal imaginable. I instantly associate this song with clear skies and sunny days and the general feeling of coming up for air. This song really shows the genius of Regina Spektor: she is just as comfortable making a radio-friendly, winningly produced piece of pop perfection as she is cranking out the piano ballads and anti-folk urban storytelling. Just watching people smile the first time the chorus hits is enough to earn this song the number 3 spot in a year chock full of great singles.
2. Parantheses - The Blow (mp3)
A song packed with more catches, hooks, and draws than anything I've heard all year. I can't even begin to describe how much I love this song, so I'm just going to give you the mp3, and some of the lyrics - if that doesn't convince you, than you are a hard ass who has never had a crush: “…And when you’re holding me we, make a pair of parentheses / There’s plenty of space to encase whatever weird way my mind goes / I know I’ll be safe in these arms / You’re not a baby if you feel the world /All of the babies can feel the world / That’s why they cry.” MELT.
1. Funeral - Band of Horses (mp3)
This song stands as clear reminder of the easiest way to make a great song great: lots and lots of build-ups and sudden changes in dynamics. Soft-Loud-Loud-Soft all the way. We here at RMDS found ourselves listening to this one while lying face down on the floor more than once. Almost as awkward a moment as when we played Girl Talk for our visitorrs...that's another story. But anyways, hands down, single of the year.

Pete's Top 10 Songs (that aren't seen above)
We Share Our Mother's Health - The Knife
The Start Of Something - Voxtrot
Province - TV On The Radio
Rough Gem - Islands
Rubies - Destroyer
Majesty Snowbird - Sufjan Stevens
Cosmia - Joanna Newsom
Click Click Click Click - Bishop Allen
My Love - Justin Timberlake
Antarctica - Antarctica Takes It!

Joe's Top 10 Songs (that aren't seen above)
Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado
Springfield - Sufjan Stevens
What You Know - T.I.
Street Lights - Rocky Votolato
In A Sweater Poorly Knit - mewithoutyou
Never Went To Church - The Streets
Gold Lion - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Too Much - The Game
Kilo - Ghostface Killa
Bump - Spank Rock

Well, that about does it for now. Joe has a flight home to Seattle later today, and I have a long car ride to Colorado tonight. So wish us safe travels, leave us some comments regarding our picks, and look forward to our year end lists in a few days! ...oh, Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Casey Dienel makes it all ok....

Well... finals are tough, but Ms. Casey Dienel seems to make it all ok...

-mp3- Casey Dienel - Tundra (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-mp3- Casey Dienel - Better In Manhattan (Daytrotter Session)

Buy Wind Up Canary - quite possibly the best female solo album of 2006.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Look at me now...

Ahhh, it is upon us. Or at least upon us student bloggers. Yes, finals is what I'm referring to - and when it rains, it pours. As you can tell, the blog is going to be taking a back seat for the next week or so as I devote my prescious time to studying and papers. But in order to not leaving you hanging too much, I've compiled a mini mix of songs I've been diggin' the hell out of lately. So sit back, grab some sweet songs, and check out some of the other fine blogs on my sidebar during my hiatus. Enjoy, and happy holidays:

Oh, all of these come with the highest possible recommendation peoples. Get downloading.

-mp3- Matt & Kim - Lightspeed (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-mp3- Destroyer - Rubies
-mp3- The Russian Futurists - Precious Metals
-mp3- Cat Power - Lived In Bars
-mp3- Horse Feathers - Dustbowl
-mp3- Charlotte Gainsbourg - The Operation
-mp3- The Knife - We Share Our Mother's Health (Ratatat Remix)

...mmm, egg nog.