Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ratatat - "Classics"

In case you guys didn't already know, yesterday was an incredibly good day for music releases. I know I already posted on the new Mountain Goats' album, but I also wanted to share with you another one of yesterday's dope release (head over to the Yellow Stereo sometime for an even better roundup of August 22's releases).

In case you aren't familiar with Ratatat, they are a two piece group who jumble hip hop, electronica, and rock into jam-worthy instrumental beats. Coming off their self-titled debut album, Ratatat expands their sound on Classics. And rightfully so, given the name. Blips, bleeps, blops, and twangy guitar riffs make up most of the songs, but cellos and sleigh bells can be found in the mix as well. Not interested? Sounds too bland? Just give "Wildcat" a listen and hear that feline breathe down your throat at the 0:19 mark. Cruise down a midwest highway with "Montanita" at 80 miles an hour. And with "Lex" you might as well have just beat a hidden level in Mario. Bust it...

-mp3- Ratatat - Wildcat
-mp3- Ratatat - Montanita
-mp3- Ratatat - Lex

Buy Classics at Insound
Ratatat's Website
Ratatat's Myspace (Check Out Their Tour!)

also, I just got a notice about a couple of new Beck shows in the Southern California area. So if you have more money than me, go see 'um live and tell me about it. Oh, he's opening for Tom Petty at the show in Chula Vista. Siq. If only I had 86 dollars to spare.


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