Monday, November 27, 2006

The Home Stretch...

No picture or "real post" today. Right now I am re-energizing, as it is now that stretch of post Thanksgiving break and pre school/finals assault. But...... I'm really excited about this next month of blogging, surpisingly enough. Over turkey break I received a ton of good albums from a few buds; albums that I had missed this year while I was in my indie-pop shell. So basically, I have tons and tons of albums I want and need to get around to hearing.

With that being said, from now until Christmas I will be revisiting albums from earlier this year that slipped past my radar and thus I will not be posting any "new" music per se, although "new" is a relative term considering it probably will be new to both you and me! Anyways, I know I'm not making any sense, I just wanted you to know what things will look like around here for the next month.

And then of course there is the end of year album list. Although alot of blogs will start putting theirs up real soon, I'm loing to wait until around Christmas, so I have time to make a good, solid list that reflects my favorite albums from the year. Sooooo, sit back, enjoy hearing about some bands you may have overlooked, and get ready for RMDS' album of the year list!

Oh, and to not leave you guys hanging, here is a song from a band you might have forgotten about. This is Phoenix's live version of their wonderful "Long Distance Call" that they did for KEXP the other day. Enjoy.

-mp3- Phoenix - Long Distance Call (Live on KEXP)

Oh, and leave a nice comment if you'd like.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am exccited for new music!

10:55 PM  

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