Monday, October 02, 2006

A Refreshing Roundup:

In my short career as a blogger I have teetered and tottered on the fine line of getting new music out to readers and actually enjoying some music along the way. I know that this conundrum of mine is not a new concept within the bloggin' world, but it seems like something I have been struggling with lately. Because let's face it, it's not always that much fun to scour Myspace and small record labels in hopes of finding a sweet new band. Granted when you do find that band it is a wonderful feeling, but generally you end up tredging through some not-so-enjoyable-stuff. Ok, let me get to the point. In my last few weeks of blogging, or lack there of, I have listened to some of the best tunes I've heard all year. I just haven't blogged about it because it can either be classified as "old news" or " already hyped-out." I mean, it's not cool to post on stuff in the top ten right? Well...for today I am going to say "f*@k that" to that dumb hipster mentality and share with you what's really been bumping on my ipod for the past few weeks. I hope you enjoy it, even if you've already heard about it a million times...

Ben Kweller's new self titled album is easily in my top ten of the year. It has completely satisfied my alt-country/pop craving and left me asking for more. There really isn't a non-enjoyable song on the album; just soaring highs ("Run" / "Penny On A Train Track") and nostalgic lows ("Sundress" / "Thirteen") of goodness (I think I use this fake adjective way too much. Ugh). Anywayssss, I don't care if people say the lyrics are too simple or if this whole pop thing has already been done before. All I know is that I can't stop playing this album.

-mp3- Ben Kweller - Penny On The Train Track
-mp3- Ben Kweller - Thirteen

I love Suf. Who doesn't? I can't wait to see him a week from today in L.A. And best of all, his two newest songs show a completely new look from the Stevens camp. "Majesty Snowbird," a ten minute-plus symphonic piece, is epic to say the least. YANP puts it nicely. The song, as stated by Sufjan, is the theme song to his new tour. Could he of possibly changed his states project to the 50 State Bird Project? I can't even imagine what a song about the Colorado Lark Bunting would sond like!...Oh ya, "Sister Winter" is great too.

-mp3- Sufjan Stevens - Majesty Snowbird (Live)
-mp3- Sufjan Stevens - Sister Winter

Mmm, and if things weren't good enough, RMDS and the rest-of-the-world favorites Page France just did a Daytrotter Session yesterday and everything about it is gooooood: the write-up, the interview, the songs, and the album art (look to your left). Mmm, album art. They even did an unreleased song, which sounds wonderful. Here it is below...and be sure to head over there to download the rest of the sesh.

-mp3- Page France - The Ruby Ring Man (Daytrotter Session)

And finally, there's M. Ward. "Old news" huh? I know. Well I just got it the other day and realllly like it so suck it Trebek. Some call him the next Dylan, I'm not going to, I just reallly like this album. Give it a few listens and watch it latch on to you. It's been echoing in my ears all week...

-mp3- M. Ward - Poison Cup
-mp3- M. Ward - Chinese Translation

Well, there you have it. Nothing new, but just a bunch of good stuff that I've been enjoying. This post was, if anything, more for my own sake - a blogger renewing if you will. Regardless, I hope you keep reading RMDS and my mangled sentences even if we aren't consistently crankin' out the newest suff! Show us some love...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Well...for today I am going to say "f*@k that"'
- Good for you, I say!

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seven Swans is the best sufjan record around

10:30 PM  

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